Posts tagged with tag: gdpr - Page 1 of 1

Posts from 2018:

GDPR - Was it a waste of time?

11 Oct 2018
It’s been just over a year since the European General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) came into place and I feel like I have mixed feelings for the Back last year you’ll probably remember seeing absolutely dozens of emails Double opt in. Pretty much every site I visit gives me a plethora of cookie notice pop ups. This isn’t just annoying but also a waste of mobile data for mobile visitors as additional cookie libraries and asset files. Personally, I believe this is a feature that should be added to popular web browsers and as a meta tag to the <head> sections of websites, just like fav icons work. Maybe I should submit an RFC for this. Assuming nobody else has ever though if the idea before. cookies.meta.json { } What are your thoughts on GDPR? Do you feel like it’s made your life easier? Or just caused even more of a strain on small startup companies and website visitors?
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