Why Facebook has smashed Open Source and other tech companies should be following their lead

During my usual R&D web browsing at work, I discovered the following video on Youtube which documents the creation of GraphQL.


This got me thinking that I should create a huge list of tools that have been open sourced by big technology companies, so this is exactly what I did

Read the blog post: Software Tools big tech companies have released as Open Source


The card allows a caption to be aligned with the photo, and the card classes contain a card-img-top that ensures the image is responsive within the grid.

The Peak District on a mosty morning. Image credit, Official Jekyll website.

The HTML source for this card is below, or of course you could look at the raw source for this file in the GitHub repo or on your disk after you have downloaded the repo. WHen looking at the source, you can see the Markdown mingled with the HTML.






















Posted on 11 Feb 2019 by Joel Murphy. Last updated: October 24, 2019.

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